Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Caitlyn Jenner

Ms. Jenner is a hero to me. That sounds odd for a Mormon to say, but allow me to explain. 

First off, she's living her life. It must be hard for people who go through what she has. In the the 70's she was conisdered a great athlete (I'm too young to remember her as an Olympian. In fact, I didn't even know who she was until the early 2000s) but she wasn't being herself. I'm sure she always knew that she was born in the wrong body. 

Sure, the church frowns on sex changes. It's an offense that would get you ex-communicated. I support the church on this-it's their right to do what they want. No one forces you to be LDS, so you have no right to change their teachings. However, you also have no right to force Ms. Jenner or any other transgender person to live by your rules. Basically-you leave them alone, they leave you alone. 

My grave concern is how the "tolerant" left and many LBGT try to force their views on the church. If forcing a transgender person to live as a gender they don't want to is wrong-and it is-so is when the gay community freaks out over a baker not baking a cake for them. 

Speaking of the gay community, it generally votes democratic. Overwhelmingly so. Again, Ms. Jenner bucks the system by being a Ted Cruz supporting conservative. That alone, deserves your respect. She can think for herself and isn't afraid to be independent. In other words, she is a Johnny Ramone punk. 

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