Thursday, September 17, 2015

Whiskey and Missionaries

As I've mentioned before, I love the missionaries. They are by far the most under appreciated members of the church. 

That doesn't mean I can't have fun with them. We had them over for dinner a few days ago. 

I emptied out a bottle of Jack Daniels into the sink. Sorry my non member friends, I'm sure it was a waste of perfectly good whiskey. 

I replaced the whiskey with apple juice, but I didn't tell the missionaries that. 

The first guy was fresh out the MTC, and those are the best to playfully tease. He looked at me funny, than drank a little bit-but I don't think it even touched his lips. His companion, who has been here for a while, slugged the rest down.

After that, I asked them-what's it taste like? Does it taste like apple juice? 

We recorded it, but I promised the new guy I wouldn't put it up on here


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  2. Thanks Tina! LDS sure can party, but it was a waste of perfectly good whiskey :-)
